9th Circuit Jnc Announces County Court Judicial Vacancy
Gov. Ron DeSantis has requested the Ninth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission provide him with names of highly qualified nominees for one (1) Orange County Court vacancy.
The Commission requires interested candidates to submit a completed application for consideration to the Chair, Christian W. Waugh at cwaugh@waugh.legal on or before Thurs., Jan. 16, 2025 (3 p.m.). Incomplete applications and untimely submissions will not be considered by the Commission. Applicants in need of guidance should direct inquires to the Chair. Applicants must qualify to hold office for County Court under Article V, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution. Those qualifications include having been a member of the Florida Bar for the preceding five years, being a registered voter in the State of Florida, and the applicant must reside in Orange County at the time of appointment.
Applications may be downloaded from the Office of the Governor at www.flgov.com, and must include a recent photograph, preferably as a cover page. Applicants must also include current contact information, including e-mail addresses, for themselves, as well as for all co-counsel, opposing counsel, and references to facilitate the requisite background investigation.