UM Law captures 50th Annual YLD Robert Orseck Memorial Moot Court Competition
YLD Moot Court Committee Co-Chair Rachel Butler, from the left in the front row, University of Miami Coach Freddi Mack, UM Law champions Gabrielle Argimon and Joely Arai, and Co-Chair Joseph Coleman standing in front of the Florida Supreme Court, who judged the final round of the Robert Orseck Memorial Moot Court Competition in Boca Raton at the Annual Florida Bar Convention in June. From the left in the back are Justices Renatha Francis, John Couriel, Charles Canady, Chief Justice Carlos Muñiz, and Justices Jorge Labarga, Jamie Grosshans, and Meredith Sasso.
The University of Miami School of Law team of Gabrielle Argimon and Joely Arai won the Robert Orseck Memorial Moot Court Competition, sponsored by the Young Lawyers Division, at the Annual Florida Bar Convention.
The final round was argued in front of the Florida Supreme Court in Boca Raton. Argimon was named the Best Oral Advocate in the final round.