FSCHS plans special Historical Review issues commemorating 75th anniversary of the Florida Supreme Court’s building
The Florida Supreme Court Historical Society is moving forward with its plan to publish a special edition of its publication Historical Review on the 75th anniversary of the opening of the Florida Supreme Court’s building in Tallahassee with articles on the court’s construction, former buildings that housed the justices, and renovations over the years.
The organization held its annual meeting during The Annual Florida Convention in Boca Raton. Also included on the recent agenda were an address by Chief Justice Carlos Muñiz, a membership recruiting and retention update, the election of new officers and members of the board of trustees, and recent society activities.
Chief Justice Muñiz told the Historical Society that the court is now looking at ways to enhance the experience of visitors to the court. The goal, he said, is to make the court a place that Tallahassee visitors want to see and provide a good educational experience. Justice Jamie Grosshans is leading the effort to take a fresh look at the displays and content offered.