Chief Justice Muñiz proclaims September Opioids and Stimulants Awareness Month
Substance use disorders and overdoses resulting from the use and misuse of opioids and stimulants are taking an enormous toll on the lives of millions across the state and nation. The surge in drug overdoses and overdose deaths from opioids and stimulants has resulted in an urgent public health crisis, with over 150 people dying every day from overdoses related to synthetic opioids alone, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
For these reasons, Supreme Court Chief Justice Carlos Muñiz signed a proclamation stating, “September 2023 shall be known within the State Courts System as a month of awareness, training, and action regarding opioids, stimulants, and substance use disorder treatment and recovery.”
Throughout September, circuit courts will undertake awareness-raising activities as supported by appointed “Circuit Champions” – judges and court staff designated as local leaders on these matters. In addition, the Office of the State Courts Administrator will continue to sponsor a statewide program on such needs.