The Florida State Guardianship Association (FSGA), an organization dedicated to the protection of the dignity and rights of incapacitated persons, recently held an eight-hour instructional seminar tailored for aspiring guardianship professionals.

The training targeted attorneys, judges who are new to presiding over guardianship cases, paralegals, and court personnel seeking a deeper comprehension of the judicial process. Participants journeyed through a guardianship case from its initiation to its conclusion, drawing insights from real-life scenarios and case studies encountered by experienced guardianship attorneys. Sessions delved into key guardianship topics including consultations, the appointment of examination committees, emergency guardianships, contested hearings, initial filings, and annual reports.

“Guardianship is a legal process in which a person’s rights are delegated to someone else to act on their behalf,” said Joseph “JB” Bensmihen, FSGA president. “This is a protective measure for individuals who cannot make decisions, cannot communicate decisions, or cannot act in their own best interest. The role of a Legal Guardian is sometimes misunderstood and the duties of that role are sometimes unclear to either the family or the person in need of a guardian. That is why it is so important to educate all those who may become involved in the process.”

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