The Florida Attorney General’s Office has launched the Nicotine Dispensing Device Directory, giving retailers until March 1 to remove the listed products from their inventories. The directory lists nicotine dispensing devices that are illegal to sell or distribute in Florida under state statute due to the products’ attractiveness to minors. After 60 days following the date a product is added to the directory, manufacturers who violate the statute face fines of up to $1,000 a day per device. Those that sell, ship or otherwise distribute a device face a penalty of $1,000 per device, in addition to other penalties under Chapter 501, Florida Statutes. As the directory is updated with additional devices, retailers will have 60 days to remove the additional products from their shelves.

Acting Attorney General John Guard said, “We launched Florida’s Nicotine Dispensing Device Directory to protect children from harmful products and keep harmful products that are appealing to minors off shelves throughout the state. Devices listed on the directory are illegal to sell in Florida, and those who violate the statute face hefty fines.”

The launch of the directory comes after the Florida Legislature passed HB 1007 in 2024, authorizing the Attorney General to adopt rules to create a list of nicotine dispensing devices determined to be “attractive to minors,” thereby removing those products from the market. More than 150 notices have been sent out regarding items deemed attractive to minors. 

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